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What will be my opportunities after the AIDA course?

20 upvotes • Read Time 1 min

The B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics, offered by the Wadhwani School of Artificial Intelligence at IIT Madras, is a unique interdisciplinary program offering a comprehensive foundation in AI technologies and various aspects data analytics, preparing you for a dynamic career in various industries, and also for graduate studies. 

With IITM’s strong ties to industry leaders, the program offers unique opportunities for internships, projects, and career advancement. Students from the WSAI department will be able to pursue a wide range of various job opportunities, from foundational research at top firms like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft to AI-based roles in applied sectors like manufacturing and healthcare.

WSAI has various research centres, which have established themselves as forerunners in various key areas - Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and AI (RBCDSAI), Centre for Responsible AI (CeRAI), Centre for Integrative Biology and Systems Medicine (IBSE), and AI4Bharat, where students can pursue research projects.

Created Date: Jun 06, 2024
Modified Date: Jun 11, 2024

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